June 6, 2016

I am a Woman and I Lead My Life as a Successful Truck Driver!

At our Toronto driving school, we offer an expansive scope of in class Truck Driving Lessons and hands on preparing, including abilities preparing programs. To know more, call us (416) 222-4190 for points of interest.
September 18, 2015

How to Become a Truck Driver in Ontario

For someone interested in becoming a truck driver, it’s a good idea to have an understanding of the environment. For those living in Ontario, there’s a lot to consider before making this type of career move, and it’s much more than just getting a license. Trucking can be a very rewarding career for many, but there’s plenty of work involved in the initial training, skills development, obtaining the license, and then getting the job itself. For those inclined, it’s a great career move.
April 12, 2015

Driver Lessons on the Busy Streets of Toronto

It’s easy to say that things are crazy on the busy streets of Toronto – it’s quite another to actually do something about it. Yes – it feels like it’s always rush hour. And yes – there always seems to be congestion of some kind or another. And yes – it appears that we are experiencing what the Toronto Star calls a “deteriorating driving culture”. The truth is, it’s not always the other guy – we all make our share of mistakes and we all contribute to the big picture.
February 23, 2015

Tips for Passing the Final Test After Truck Driving Classes

To become a professional truck driver, you need to enroll in a driving school and attend all truck driving classes. More importantly, you need to pass all the tests to be issued with various accreditation documents such as license. Though truck driving is a lucrative and attractive career, not every driver can drive a truck professionally. Enrolling in the driving school is the first step to becoming a long-haul trucker.