May 25, 2017

Life As A Truck Driver

Truck drivers are one of the most important pieces in the machine that is our economy. Truck driving employs millions of individuals all over the country […]
October 20, 2015

Tips for Females Looking To Become Truck Drivers

Trucking is an integral component of Canada’s shipping industry, with almost all of our goods being delivered at some stage by a transport truck. The transportation industry as a whole accounts for 4.2% of Canada’s GDP, or around $53 billion. The trucking industry has almost a third of the total market share in the transportation industry, with around 31% of the sector’s share of the GDP. The industry has been growing steadily since the 2008 recession, and the current job market in the trucking sector is looking quite positive.
August 12, 2015

How to Become a Truck Driver in Toronto

With all the recent news about the economy and job creation, it seems that trucking is one of those job sectors that isn’t suffering like the rest. In fact, the Canadian Trucking Alliance suggests that there’s a lack of truck drivers in Canada, and more specifically in Ontario. It’s all good news for someone who wants to become a truck driver in Toronto. And that applies to novice drivers as well as previous drivers alike – it’s a good time to be a truck driver.
May 25, 2015

Truck Driving School in Scarborough

If you’re looking for a truck driving school in Scarborough, or in any of the suburban areas of the GTA, then Sprint Driving School might be the one for you. We know that there are many reasons to be on the lookout for a truck driving school. You might be in the process of a new career path. You might be here from another province, or another country, and need some re-certification. You may be getting back on board after some time off. Or you might simply be looking to upgrade your existing skills.